Seekers of Adoulin live stream tomorrow

Square Enix has announced today that the newest Final Fantasy XI expansion: Seekers of Adoulin, will be streamed live tomorrow, March 20th.

The Final Fantasy XI community team will begin the stream at 8:00 PST/11:00 EST and offer a glimpse of live gameplay from the brand new continent of Ulbuka.

For information on the live stream, checkĀ @ffxi_en in the next 24 hours for more information!

The expansion is set to come out on next Tuesday, March 26th and is only coming to Xbox 360 and PC at the price of $29.99. The Playstation 2 version of Seekers of Adoulin is exclusive only to Japan, but launches on the same day.


About the Author

Gustavo Lazo Twitter: @derekstruble
