Legend of Mana -The Teardrop Crystal- anime to air in Japan on October

Legend of Mana -The Teardrop Crystal-, an anime adaptation of the original PlayStation title, will air October 7th (1:25 JST) on MBS•TBS in Japan. Adapting the Jumi arc, one of three major story arcs in the game — protagonist Shiloh sets out to find artifacts to restore parts of the mystical land of Fa’Diel.

A new trailer below has been posted by Warner Bros. Japan.

You can catch our full 100% playthrough of last year’s Legend of Mana remastered here.

Commercial — Legend of Mana -The Teardrop Crystal-

About the Author

Tony Garsow Tony joined Nova Crystallis in 2015, and has spent more than a decade writing in the Final Fantasy community. He also contributes to the Nova Crystallis Twitch and YouTube channels, where you can watch select gameplay highlights, previews, and streams.
