Square Enix responds to reports of leaked physical copies of Final Fantasy XVI

For those anticipating the release of Final Fantasy XVI next week and wanting to avoid spoilers, it may be time to consider your presence on social media and online channels. This after it appears that physical copies of the game appear to have been leaked, released, or otherwise obtained.

Today, Square Enix issued a statement sharing that they are have begin a “thorough investigation into illegitimate acquisitions and are acting to limit this ahead of the official launch”. In spite of their efforts, it’s likely that spoilers in myriad forms will appear online, prompting community members to advise using the tools available on social media to mute or block key words in the attempt to avoid spoilers getting through.

It’s not the first time a high profile title, including one from Square Enix, has leaked early — Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III, and Final Fantasy VII Remake were also obtained ahead of the street date before spoilers proliferated online.

For those seeking to avoid unwanted details about the story-heavy title, it might be best to duck and cover until launch day.

Final Fantasy XVI is set to release on June 22, 2023 for PlayStation 5.

Official Statement:

We’re aware that a small number of physical copies of Final Fantasy XVI are being circulated. We are in the process of a thorough investigation into illegitimate acquisitions and are acting to limit this ahead of the official launch of the game on June 22nd.

For those who receive a copy ahead of launch, we kindly ask that you do not share any aspect of the game: including screenshots, videos, and livestreams, until after Final Fantasy XVI has official launched.

Our priority is to ensure that the full game experience is not spoiled for our fans, and to do that we will be taking down any images, videos, or streams published ahead of launch day.

We ask for your assistance and cooperation in this final week ahead of launch.

It’s almost June 22nd, and we can’t wait for you to experience the full game the way the development team intended.

the Final Fantasy XVI Team

Via Twitter:

Final Fantasy XVI • Demo Gameplay

About the Author

Tony Garsow Tony joined Nova Crystallis in 2015, and has spent more than a decade writing in the Final Fantasy community. He also contributes to the Nova Crystallis Twitch and YouTube channels, where you can watch select gameplay highlights, previews, and streams.
