Final Fantasy XI's August 2023 update refreshes Ambuscade

Final Fantasy XI‘s August 2023 update is live today. With it, Ambuscade objectives have been refreshed where you will face off against Gigas and Evil Weapons, and perhaps a Golden Bomb. In other small-scale updates, the team will be making changes to the conditions for new players to remove the “?” mark that is displayed — requiring an amount of time played than a certain level. It’s been changed to match the same period of time before players can use the Assist Channel function. Also, screenshots will have the copyright text in a new location to be in line with the company’s current guidelines.

Of course, there are several events currently ongoing in the game, like the August Login Campaign whereupon logging in and accruing points, players can exchange them for a wide variety of items. Special items include the Ageist shield, Poison Axe, and Magician’s Rod. The Discount Campaign runs from August 8th to September 4th which will notably discount the price of purchase.

The Return Home to Vana’diel Campaign is also resuming on August 18th and runs through September 4th, where past subscribers are able to log in and play for free. These are running alongside other summer campaigns including the Sunbreeze Festival where “ringing bells and brilliant fireworks” celebrate the season. The Green Festival features the Morbol Café in Lower Jeuno with limited-edition items. The Dog Days of Summer campaign will allow you to earn double or triple the normal amount of experience points and capacity points, ideal for new players.

About the Author

Tony Garsow Tony joined Nova Crystallis in 2015, and has spent more than a decade writing in the Final Fantasy community. He also contributes to the Nova Crystallis Twitch and YouTube channels, where you can watch select gameplay highlights, previews, and streams.
