Front Mission 2 remake dated for October 5th

A remake of Front Mission 2 developed by Storm Trident and published by Forever Entertainment SA will launch October 5th on Nintendo Switch, as announced in the trailer below.

Originally released on the PlayStation back in 1997, the tactical RPG is set 12 years after the First Huffman Conflict explored in the first Front Mission game. The game alternates the perspectives of three protagonists that pilot gigantic mechs called Wanzers and engage in turn-based tactical battles as well as customize them with new parts.

The remake features “modernized” battle scenes and effects, free camera options, a rearranged soundtrack and is localized into 9 languages.

A remake of Front Mission 3 is also in development by Forever Entertaiment and MegaPixel Studio.

About the Author

Tony Garsow Tony joined Nova Crystallis in 2015, and has spent more than a decade writing in the Final Fantasy community. He also contributes to the Nova Crystallis Twitch and YouTube channels, where you can watch select gameplay highlights, previews, and streams.
