Marvel's Avengers update adds Spider-Man, Klaw Raid, and updated progression

Marvel’s Avengers updated this week with a new playable hero for PlayStation owners: Spider-Man. This comes alongside the “With Great Power” hero event that will introduce the webslinger into the evolving story, which features Peter Parker discovering a deadly threat from within AIM and seeks the help of the Avengers.

Additionally, the game’s first endgame raid: Discordant Sound has been implemented, which requires advanced tactics and coordination with a four-player team using high level gear. There are two difficulty modes: Normal, and Elite, the latter of which will be the most difficult content in the game, but will offer the best rewards. The story of this raid is intertwined with the War for Wakanda expansion, and will involve the Avengers battling Klaw as vibranium mounds threaten ecological disaster to the clandestine nation.

New content in the form of Shipments will feature a new path to earn cosmetics, resources, and other items strictly through gameplay. Units, a currency obtained through playing the game, can be spent on Shipments, which will pull from a pool of 250 items with a small chance of pulling a premium outfit that won’t be obtained through in-game purchases. Should you find yourself unlucky with rolls, it will be rewarded after clearing 100 Shipments.

Alongside the new endgame raid, the power level cap will increase from 150 to 175, and earning equipment capable of this power level cap will come only from this new raid on the Elite difficulty level. Players will also be able to recycle gear of a higher power level to upgrade their current gear to match the higher-power level of the consumed item – with some exceptions. Details can be found here.

You can get a deep-dive into the update with the latest War Table presentation below:

About the Author

Tony Garsow Tony joined Nova Crystallis in 2015, and has spent more than a decade writing in the Final Fantasy community. He also contributes to the Nova Crystallis Twitch and YouTube channels, where you can watch select gameplay highlights, previews, and streams.
